Renew your membership

Kingfisher © Jon Hawkins, SurreyHillsPhotography

Kingfisher © Jon Hawkins, SurreyHillsPhotography

Renew your membership

By renewing today, you’re helping achieve some amazing actions for wildlife. Supporting over 65 Wildlife Trust Nature Reserves across our two counties, you’re standing up for some of the best places for wildlife, providing a vital refuge for our rarest and most vulnerable species and habitats. Thank you! 

If you’re a current member, not paying via Direct Debit, please choose your annual membership renewal option below to continue… 

Choose your membership option


Individual membership

Membership for one person

Joint membership

Joint membership for two people
Marsh fritillary butterfly {Euphydrayas aurinia}

Concession membership

Students, registered unemployed and state pensioners
A family of four are at a nature reserve with buildings visible in the background. The father is pointing to show his partner and children something in the distance

Family membership

Includes membership of Wildlife Watch, the junior branch of the Wildlife Trusts for up to four children of the same household up to 15 years old
Fox cubs © Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Wildlife Watch membership

For up to four children of the same household (up to 15 years of age)
young people making dens

Group membership

Group membership for small groups

Want to renew by post? 

Complete the renewal letter we sent you using the enclosed freepost envelope.  

Want to renew over the phone?  

Call our membership team on 01489 774408 and they will be happy to help.  

Want to change your one-off payment to Direct Debit?  

Help reduce admin costs so more of your money can go towards protecting local wildlife. Give our membership team a call today or complete the Direct Debit form on the back of your renewal letter and post back to us today.  

Any other questions, please contact our friendly membership team on 01489 774408 or  

Thank you for helping to protect wildlife where you live.