Rabbit © Jon Hawkins
Get in touch
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
We love to hear from you and see your photos and videos of local wildlife. However, we are a small team and are receiving a lot more enquiries than usual. Please help us to assist with your enquiry as quickly as possible using the contact details below.
Unfortunately, we are unable to respond to enquires related to wildlife identification, injured wildlife, unwanted wildlife in your garden, wildlife crime or enquires linked to planning applications. Please see advice about these enquiries and other FAQs below.
All the mailboxes below are monitored regularly. We kindly ask that you only contact one email address from the list below when sending us a message and we get back to you as quickly as we can.
If you have an urgent enquiry, please call 01489 774400.
I need help with wildlife identification
Please have a look at our species explorer or try one of these online groups that should be able to help: 30 Days Wild or Team Wilder.
There are also lots of specialist groups, websites and apps that you can use:
Removing unwanted wildlife from my garden?
This is not a service that we are able provide and we encourage people to embrace the wildlife found in their gardens. Many species such as amphibians and reptiles are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, and are important components of the ecosystem.
If it is deemed absolutely necessary i.e. the animal was at risk of harm, you can talk to a licensed ecological consultant about the safe, responsible and legal removal of wildlife.
I have found an injured animal
We are not an animal welfare charity and do not have the facilities or expertise to deal with wildlife rescues or to offer advice on animal rescue. Please contact the RSPCA or a local wildlife rescue centre and they will be able to give the best advice.
Injured birds
Unless the bird is in immediate danger, please leave it where it is. In spring and summer, birds are beginning to leave the nest and fledglings can often be seen on the ground, seemingly alone. This is not often the case, and the parents will usually be close by searching for food and keeping a close eye on their chick. If the bird is in a busy road or footpath, or is in danger of being attacked by predators, the bird can be moved a minimal distance, but must still be in hearing range of the parents who will be nearby.
Who should I contact about wildlife crime?
The Wildlife Trust has no legal power to stop any direct threats to wildlife. If you believe a protected species or habitat is under immediate threat please contact your local police station via 101 and ask to speak to a Wildlife Crimes Officer.
For further information about wildlife crime and how to report it, click here.
A number of species are afforded legal protection under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981. For example the more common species of reptile (adder, common lizard, grass snake and slow worm) are listed on Schedule 5 and are protected against killing, injury and sale under Section 9, making it an offence to:
- Intentionally or recklessly kill or injure a reptile
- Sell, offer or expose for sale, or have in your possession, or transport, for the purpose of sale, any live or dead specimen or anything derived from a reptile
You can find out more about protected species on the Natural England website.
I need help with a Planning application or response
Our approach to engaging with the planning system is changing. We do not have the resources to deal with the thousands of planning applications that are submitted each year, currently, we are focusing on:
1. Campaigning against the most damaging proposals
2. Pushing for better policies so that developments give back more than they take from nature
3. Defending our nature reserves
We are also developing new approaches including; more paid-for services to help local authorities deliver “good planning” and new resources to help local communities deal with planning issues in their area.
We are unable to respond to enquiries about individual planning applications. However, you can find advice on how to respond to planning applications on our Wilder Planning webpage.
How can I improve my garden for wildlife?
There are numerous ways in which you can help wildlife through creating a wildlife friendly garden. Visit our Wildlife Gardening section for full details.
Get free gardening advice from our Trust volunteers:
We recognise that making space for nature is often more easily said than done and can be daunting for those just starting out on their wilder journey. No matter how much you read, sometimes talking to someone can give you a lot more confidence. Our Wilder Garden Champions are here to help you. They are gardening volunteers, vetted and trained by the Trust who will be able to give you free personal advice on how to make your spaces wilder that will benefit both you and nature.
Hedgehogs do visit gardens and will often hibernate there if there is a suitable habitat available. The hedgehog hibernation period is (in general) from November to March but is dependent on weather conditions and food availability. If you put food out in your garden for hedgehogs they will often take advantage of the extra food for as long as possible before resorting to hibernation. Hedgehogs will often stop visiting a garden in winter if there are no suitable areas for hibernation. Piles of logs and leaves in a dry area protected from the wind can provide an excellent hibernation habitat for hedgehogs. If you would like to encourage your hedgehogs to stay for the winter, why not create an area like this in your garden.
How can I request a wildlife survey ?
We provide a land advice service Arcadian Ecology to land owners, farmers, community groups, schools and residents that want help with improving their local patch for the benefit of wildlife (please note there may be a charge). If you are looking to build on an area of land and need to know what species are found there first, you will need to employ the services of an ecological consultant. To request existing ecological data for your area, contact Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre.
How can I help record local wildlife sightings?
Being able to collect data about what wildlife is found where is vital to our efforts to protect and restore nature locally. Your records are best sent to the relevant recording group so that they are captured and recorded accurately and can help inform decisions.
If you would like to report a sighting of crayfish please get in touch with UK Crayfish.
Can I sell my merchandise in your shop?
We do not currently have any shops and do not sell items online, so we are unable to sell any third-party merchandise.
I want to work for The Wildlife Trust
You can find job vacancies at Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, as well as other local Wildlife Trust across the UK here.
Contact details
If you have a specific enquiry that is not covered in the FAQs above, please contact us using the most relevant contact details below:
Where are our offices?
Trust Headquarters
Office hours - 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
Beechcroft House, Vicarage Lane, Curdridge, Hampshire SO32 2DP
Telephone - 01489 774400
Download a map showing how to find us and a map of the Park and Stride (below).
Beechcroft and Park & Stride
I have an enquiry about your nature reserves
General information about our nature reserves, including what you can see there, how to find them and information on parking and access can be found here.
If you have a specific enquiry about our nature reserves or livestock please call the office on 01489 774400.
I have a membership or fundraising enquiry
For membership enquiries please call our team on 01489 774408 or email membership@hiwwt.org.uk (10am-4pm, Monday to Friday) or you can visit our membership FAQs here.
You can join Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust online today.
If you're already a member, contact our friendly support team with all of your membership enquiries donations or to update your contact details.
You can also make a Gift Aid declaration online, which will enable us to increase the value of your donation thanks to the government's Gift Aid scheme. Alternatively click here to download and print a Gift Aid declaration form.
You can find out more about making a donation or other ways to support the Trust here or by contacting our fundraising team on fundraising@hiwwt.org.uk
I want to cancel my membership
Times are tough for everyone at the moment. If you are considering cancelling your membership, please contact us as we’d like to get through this together. We know you care for nature as much as we do and we’d love you to continue to support us in whatever way works for you. There are lots of ways you can continue to support local wildlife in whatever way best fits your personal situation:
- We can adjust the amount or frequency of your gift to make it work better for you.
- We can pause your membership for up to 6 months. We will stop taking payments, but we will still stay in touch.
You can contact our friendly membership team by calling 01489 774408 or emailing membership@hiwwt.org.uk. Our office is open 9am-5pm, Monday to Friday.
If you can’t afford to give anything right now, there are still lots of ways you can stay involved and continue helping to make Hampshire and the Isle of Wight even Wilder:
- Attend an event – find out What’s On near you
- Volunteer for us
- Defend nature by campaigning for wildlife
- Take action for Wildlife at home, work or in your community
Sign up to our free e-newsletter to keep up-to-date with the latest nature news, events, and activities.
Nature needs you more than ever, thank you for staying with us at this difficult time.
I have a volunteering enquiry
Volunteers are a valued part of the Wildlife Trust and we couldn't achieve the things we do without their support. Volunteers are involved with a wide range of roles at locations all over Hampshire and Isle of Wight, and whether you’re looking for outdoor practical activities on our reserves or providing indoor support, we'll have something to suit you.
Find out about our volunteering opportunities online.
If you would like to speak to someone please call 01489 774400 or email volunteer@hiwwt.org.uk (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).
I want to take action for nature
Visit our Team Wilder webpages to find out how you can take action for nature at home, at work, at school and in your local community.
You can also get involved in walks, talks and other activities organised by local volunteer groups in your area.
I have a media, press or filming enquiry
If you have a general enquiry about our website, magazine, social media or any other communications or marketing please contact webmarketing@hiwwt.org.uk
If you are a journalist or production company looking for a Wildlife Trust spokesperson or have a request to film on Trust owned or managed land please contact webmarketing@hiwwt.org.uk
I would like to contact an Education Centre
We're passionate about giving children and young people the chance to have unforgettable experiences exploring and discovering nature. We believe that a hands on connection with nature gives a much better understanding of the environment, as well as our place in it - all whilst having fun!
View details about our education work online.
Blashford Lakes Centre - tel 01425 472760 - Ellingham Drove, Ringwood BH24 3PJ BlashfordLakes@hiwwt.org.uk
Swanwick Lakes Centre - tel 01489 570240 - Sopwith Way, Swanwick SO31 7AY SwanwickLakes@hiwwt.org.uk
Testwood Lakes Centre - tel 023 8066 7929 - POBox 268, Brunel Road, Totton SO40 3XP TestwoodLakes@hiwwt.org.uk
I would like to attend a course or event
Develop your skills or discover a new hobby in a relaxed atmosphere with expert advice, whatever your abilities. Our classes will enable you to get closer to nature, improve your knowledge and help local wildlife.
For a list of courses and events, see our Course and Event listing.
I would like to invite the Membership Team to attend an event
Our Membership Recruitment Team attend events, fetes and fairs to talk about the Trust's work, answer queries and of course to inspire and recruit potential new members. Contact the team on 01392 420124.
I have a general enquiry that isn't covered here
For general queries or feedback that do not fit any of the other categories please call us on 01489 774400 during office hours (9am-5pm, Monday to Friday).
Policies and Complaints procedures
Details of the Trusts policies and complaints procedures are listed below. Please contact us if you have any concerns or complaints and we will do our best to assist you.
I would like to make a complaint
We are always happy to hear your feedback and suggestions. If you have a complaint or positive suggestion, please tell us about it so that we can respond as quickly as possible. Details of how to make a complaint can be found in our complaints procedure:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Statement
We take child protection and safeguarding very seriously. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Statement sets out how we implement child protection and safeguarding across the Wildlife Trust and who to contact if you have questions or concerns.
Health and Safety Policy
We take our responsibility for the health and safety of our staff, volunteers and visitors seriously. We recently undertook an extensive update and revision of our policies and procedures. You can view our general policy statement here. If you would like further details of our policy and procedures please contact us through our headquarter office.
Equality and Diversity Policy
A copy of our Equality and Diversity Policy can be downloaded here.
Data Protection Policy
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (charity no. 201081) is committed to protecting your privacy and security. Our policy can be found here and explains how and why we use your personal data, to ensure you remain informed and in control of your information. If you have any concerns or questions about Data Protection in the Trust, please address them to:
Data Protection Concerns
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust Headquarters
Beechcroft House, Vicarage Lane, Curdridge, Hampshire SO32 2DP
Telephone - 01489 774400
Sign up to receive regular email updates from us
Let us know if you would like to receive our regular e-newsletters full of wildlife highlights, policy and campaign updates, things you can see and do and ways to support the Trust such as our fundraising appeals. We also send supporters one off emails which include information about exciting events, volunteering and fundraising opportunities.