
Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION



Redshanks homecoming

Redshanks, with their striking red legs and haunting calls, are a familiar and cherished presence along the Hampshire coastline.

A red squirrel in a dark woodland holding its tail infant of it

Red Squirrels: a native treasure

The much-loved red squirrel is native to the UK but has been pushed to the fringes by the arrival of its larger cousin, the grey squirrel. Now only living in a few isolated places across the UK,…

A hedgehog snuffling around in the leaf litter

Hibernating hedgehogs

The European hedgehog, one of the UK's most beloved nocturnal mammals, embarks on a remarkable journey each year: hibernation.

a pygmy shrew in a clear glass jar being held in a hand

The Day of the Pygmy Shrews

Itchen Valley Country Park is renowned for its diversity of small mammal species (mice, voles, and shrews). There are 9 small mammal species which are widespread in the UK and eight are present…
