Searching our Shores: Harry and Claire
Compton Bay proves a marine wildlife goldmine for a pair of intrepid species seekers.
St Clair's Meadow Nature Reserve
A wildlife rich meadow in the heart of the Meon Valley
Star ascidian
One of the most eye-catching sights on the rocky shore, this mind-boggling species resembling a collection of beautiful pressed flowers is actually a colony of individual animals!
Chair recruitment
Shore rockling
These large rocky shore fish look like they belong in deeper waters, but they are the find of the day for any rockpooler!
Trainee blogs
Blog reports from two Wildlife Trust Trainee Ecologists
Shore crab
This crab is common around all of the UK. If you've ever been rockpooling or crabbing, it's probably the shore crab that you've met.
And Then There Were Three
Great white egret that is. Walter now had two companions and all were joining in the fishing frenzy on Ibsley Water this morning. Later on they were separated and I saw one unringed bird, close to…
Shore lark
This distinctive lark is a passage migrant and winter visitor to the UK, most often found along the east coast of Britain.
Plaice is a common sight all around our coasts - if you can spot it! They are extremely well camouflaged against the seabed and can even change colour to better match their surroundings.
Tope shark
This slender and elegant shark species is often found close to shore all around our coasts and can grow up to 6 feet long.