© Ian Cameron-Reid
Testwood Lakes Education Centre
Testwood Lakes Education Centre
Testwood Lakes Education Centre is a purpose-built hive of activity, where learning and discovery take place in a safe and fun environment. Surrounded by a 150 acre nature reserve of wildflower meadows, lakes, rivers and woodland, Testwood Lakes provides the perfect setting to enjoy a range of events with your family.
Please note: The Education Centre is not currently open to the public. The Centre is used by pre booked school and community groups.
Schools, Preschools, and Groups
Testwood Lakes offers a great variety of activities for schools, preschools and groups. Below we have a few examples of just some of the activities that we offer – please do get in touch to find out about our full range.
Activities for Early Years Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1
Join us for interactive and educational adventures tailored for Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Key Stage 1 (KS1). To book, call 02380 667929 or email TestwoodLakes@hiwwt.org.uk.
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
- Help the very hungry caterpillar find his lost diary.
- Explore the meadow for clues of caterpillar activity.
- Engage in colorful challenges and discover the life cycle of butterflies.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development; KS1: Science (Seasonal Changes, Animals, Living Things and their Habitats), Literacy
The Three Little Pigs
- Follow the Three Little Pigs on their quest for "wolf safe" accommodation.
- Learn about natural building materials in our bronze age roundhouse.
- Build houses for toy pigs using straw, wood, stones, and clay.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Expressive Arts and Design, Understanding the World, Physical Development, Communication and Language; KS1: Literacy, Science (Materials), Design and Technology, Problem Solving, Teamwork
No Place Like Home
- Embark on a journey with Mole from the Jonathan Emmett book.
- Discover what animals need to survive and how environments shape habitats.
- Meet other story animals and explore sensory adaptations.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Understanding the World, Physical Development, Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Literacy; KS1: Science (Animals, Living Things and their Habitats), Literacy, Physical Geography
Plant Portrait
- Explore wildflower meadows, woodlands, and gardens.
- Create plant models and understand plant-insect relationships.
- Engage in relay races and identify trees and plants.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Communication and Language, Physical Development, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design, Literacy; KS1: Science (Plants), Literacy
Minibeasts and Habitats
- Investigate woodland, meadow, and pond habitats.
- Examine minibeasts and learn about their diversity.
- Participate in sensory activities and games.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Understanding the World, Expressive Arts and Design; KS1: Science (Animals, Seasonal Changes), Literacy
Map Challenge with Speckle the Spider
- Join Speckle the Spider on an adventurous journey.
- Solve clues using maps and observation skills.
- Engage in orienteering activities.
- Learning opportunities: EYFS: Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Literacy, Numeracy; KS1: Geography (Physical, Skills, Fieldwork), Literacy
Activities for Key Stage 2
Embark on immersive learning experiences tailored for Key Stage 2 students. For bookings, call us at 02380 667929 or email TestwoodLakes@hiwwt.org.uk.
Water World
- Explore Southern Water’s reservoirs and nearby river.
- Engage in team challenges to understand the water cycle.
- Learn about river features and observe freshwater invertebrates.
- Discover wetland bird habitats and navigate an orienteering course.
Learning opportunities: Human and Physical Geography; Science (Living Things and their Habitats)
Bronze Age ‘Role Play’ Day
- Step back in time to experience life in ancient Britain.
- Dress in Bronze Age attire and enter a roundhouse from 3,500 years ago.
- Learn survival skills, wool spinning, and hazel stick weaving.
- Uncover ancient artifacts found in the lakes.
Learning opportunities: History (Stone Age to Iron Age)
Rocks and Soils
- Become a soil scientist and examine rocks and soils.
- Investigate soil in different habitats and layers.
- Learn about soil formation and create your own soil.
- Use clay to make creative sculptures.
Learning opportunities: Science (Rocks, Investigation)
Maps and Compasses
- Develop geography skills using maps and compasses.
- Navigate Testwood Lakes using key features and grid references.
- Learn about coordinates, direction, and scale.
- Survey the area and create maps or field sketches.
Learning opportunities: Geography (Skills and Fieldwork)
World War 2 Evacuee Day and Local History Study
- Experience life as a World War 2 evacuee in the New Forest.
- Engage in role-playing activities and learn about local history.
- Participate in various wartime tasks and experiences.
Learning opportunities: Local History Study
Eco Challenge
- Problem-solving team challenges focused on environmental impact.
- Learn about water conservation, biodiversity, recycling, and sustainability.
- Discover how small actions can lead to significant results.
Learning opportunities: Human and Physical Geography, Design and Technology, Science
Outdoor Artists
- Explore abstract art inspired by nature.
- Create woodland sculptures using natural materials.
- Develop drawing and painting skills while immersed in nature.
Learning opportunities: Art and Design, Science, Mathematics
Survival Skills
- Learn essential bushcraft skills such as shelter building and fire lighting.
- Develop teamwork, confidence, and self-esteem.
- Gain insights into sustainability practices.
Learning opportunities:*Design and Technology, Science, Mathematics
Minibeasts and Habitats (Summer and Autumn Term 1 only)
- Explore woodland, meadow, and pond habitats.
- Identify and classify minibeasts using nets and ID charts.
- Engage in sensory activities and role-play games.
Learning opportunities: Science (Living Things and their Habitats)
Plant Portrait (Summer and Autumn Term 1 only)
- Experience wildflower meadows and colorful gardens.
- Understand plant-insect relationships through interactive games.
- Discover plant survival strategies and seed dispersal methods.
Learning opportunities:** Science (Plants)
Activities for Key Stage 3 and 4 students
Discover immersive learning experiences tailored for Key Stage 3 and 4 students. To book, call us at 02380 667929 or email TestwoodLakes@hiwwt.org.uk.
Biology and Geography Field Work Opportunities
- Explore the River Test valley and adjacent Lower Test Marshes Nature Reserve.
- Study a variety of habitats, including wildflower meadows, wetlands, rivers, ponds, and woodland.
- Facilities: Purpose-built centre with classroom, toilets, and kitchen; Accessible bird hides; Survey equipment provided; Accessible dipping ponds.
Informal Activities
- Engage in outdoor experiences promoting teamwork, individual achievement, and social-emotional development.
- Learn bushcraft skills like fire lighting, shelter building, and plant/animal identification.
- Participate in team challenges focusing on environmental awareness, map skills, and survival.
- Contribute to practical conservation work to manage the nature reserve.
- Special Option: Spend the day in and around our Bronze Age roundhouse, discovering ancient survival techniques and sharing stories around the fire.
Immersive Living History Experiences
Bronze Age and Living History Day
Step back in time and immerse yourself in the world of ancient Britain during the Bronze Age, over 3000 years ago. Experience a role-playing day led by fully costumed instructors who will bring history to life in our replica roundhouse!
- Time Travel: Transport yourself back to 1500 B.C.
- Authentic Costumes: Dress in full Bronze Age attire provided for all children and adults.
- Hands-On Activities:
- Spin wool with a hand spindle and sheep fleece.
- Learn hunting and gathering techniques in the woods.
- Work together to build wattle-style fences.
- Fireside Tales: Gather around the fire and listen to ancient stories.
- Artefact Exploration: Investigate real and replica artifacts from the Bronze Age.
World War 2 Evacuee Day and Living History Experience
Experience the challenges and camaraderie of being an evacuee during World War 2. Led by fully costumed instructors, this immersive day will bring the wartime era to life!
- Scouting for Invaders: Use binoculars to watch for foreign invaders.
- Charcoal Making: Contribute to the war effort by making charcoal.
- Woodland Shelter Construction: Learn essential shelter-building skills.
- Dig for Victory: Participate in gardening activities to support the war effort.
- Swap Shop and Rationing: Experience the realities of wartime rationing.
- Air Raid Preparedness: Receive training on responding to air raid sirens.
- Assist the Lumbergills: Help with forestry work in the woods.
Experience history firsthand and gain insight into the challenges and resilience of those who lived through World War 2.
Forest school
Our programme consists of:
- Six or more sessions in a local woodland with the same group of 10-15 youngsters
- Activities linked to seasonal change
- Exploring, discovering, creating, playing, and learning in the woods
- Typical activities such as:
- Looking for minibeasts
- Building dens
- Making things from natural materials
- Using tools
- Sensory activities
Participants will:
- Develop and share new skills
- Grow in self- confidence and self esteem
- Be independent
- Assess and manage risk
- Problem solve
- Explore and discover the natural world
- Grow in environmental awareness
Staying safe - Forest School offers:
- Sessions led by a qualified and experienced Forest School Leader (Level 3)
- Supported by trained and vetted volunteers
- All staff DBS checked and qualified in outdoor first aid
- High staffing ratios
- Comprehensive risk assessments
- Well maintained tools and equipment
- Opportunities for young people to recognise, assess and manage risk
Forest School encompasses:
- The Early Years Foundation Stage
- National Curriculum Key Stages
- Learning Outside the Classroom
- Every Child Matters
Upcoming Events & clubs
Safeguarding and Child Protection
We take child protection and safeguarding very seriously. Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Statement sets out how we implement child protection and safeguarding across the Wildlife Trust and who to contact if you have questions or concerns.
Our partner at Testwood Lakes

Testwood Lakes achieves recognition for high quality educational visits
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust at Testwood Lakes has achieved national recognition for its educational visits and has been awarded the Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) Quality Badge.
The LOtC Quality Badge is the only scheme that recognises quality of learning and effectiveness of risk management and is awarded by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom.