IPCC Climate Report. What can we do?

IPCC Climate Report. What can we do?

Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust CEO Debbie Tann shares her thoughts on the IPCC report.

The latest IPCC Climate Report pulled no punches.  It's headline message:  "without immediate and deep emissions reductions across all sectors, limiting global warming to 1.5oC is beyond reach".  Each IPCC report, every piece of evidence, every warning gets starker and starker each time, and this report really is quite terrifying.

It's easy to get overwhelmed, disheartened, angry or just fall into blind panic, especially when those in power continue to deny, delay, and deflect. Even more difficult when across the world there is war, greed, poverty, inequality and just so much darkness, division and distraction in the media and in politics. And supremely frustrating when we know that the worst culprits are not us at all, but the richest 10%.

But we all have agency. As consumers, our demand for stuff fuels the global economy which in turn fuels the climate crisis and usually makes the richest even richer. Never forget the importance of collective action to shift societal norms and to achieve change. People power works if enough of us change our behaviour to build momentum and demand for the change we need. And the IPCC report says that such 'demand changes' could cut carbon emissions by 40-70%.

So as a consumer you can use your power to great effect: 

*Cut any and all ties with fossil fuels as quickly as you can - this includes your energy supplier, how much energy you use, where your money is banked/invested, where you shop and what you buy, how (and how much) you travel.

*Eat local, organic and seasonal food, mainly plants, and save meat for special occasions, don't waste food.

*Buy mainly second-hand, repurpose, reuse, share, make.

*Live joyfully and meaningfully with less focus on material possessions, enjoy nature, art, music.

*If you have any spare funds or time, give to charity.

*Influence others through your positive actions rather than lecturing.

*Seek out truth and science and don't give oxygen to negativity.

*Focus on the joy of living well within the boundaries of this amazing place we call planet earth and share this with as many people as you can.

For more ideas and inspiration I like the 6 shifts by TaketheJump.org - very much along similar lines.

And do join #TeamWilder to find like minded people all striving for a better future.  There are more of us every day. 



Man leaning over raised beds to plant wildflowers while two volunteers look on. Beach huts on the Eastney Coast are in the background.

© Trish Gant

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