A Message from the CEO: The Importance of the General Election for Nature

A Message from the CEO: The Importance of the General Election for Nature

In just under a week’s time, the polls will open for one of the most important elections in our lifetime.  

Yes, we always hear elections are: ‘the most important since x’, or ‘the last chance to save Y’, but in this case, it really is nature’s last chance.  

2030 is fast approaching, and we have just six years to meet our legal target to halt nature’s decline. The next Government and Parliament will cover five of those years. Meaning, if we are to accomplish our 2030 goal, the policies and legislation it passes will be of utmost importance. 

Nature needs a voice 

We know nature is in dire straits and needs every bit of help it can get. Some 48% of Hampshire’s 50 most notable species are in decline, iconic species such as nightingales, turtle doves, great crested newts and Duke of Burgundy butterflies.  

19 of the 46 butterfly species found in Hampshire are declining, and Nightingale populations have declined by 78% in Hampshire and 33% on the Isle of Wight since 2012. 

Nature can't vote or speak for itself in this election, but it will be affected by the next Government's decisions: on issues such as housing, farming, water quality, and sewage to name a few. That is why, as a Trust, we need to speak out. We exist to protect and restore our local nature, but we will be fighting a losing battle if we do not have the right national policies and protections in place.  

Nature is fundamental to who we are, and how we can live well. Our physical and mental wellbeing, along with our economic prosperity, depend on a healthy, and thriving natural world. We need healthy ecosystems to underpin the very foundations of our food system, and deliver food security over the long-term, as well as ensuring we have clean water and sustainable jobs in our local economy.  

Silver-studded blue butterfly

We know nature conservation is not the enemy of a sustainable, prosperous economy, or public health. It is an essential part of both.  If we are to deliver the long-term solutions and strong economic foundations we need as a country, then we cannot let other pressing issues overshadow the importance of safeguarding our environment.   

Thankfully, we are not shouting into a void. From individual hustings to the Restore Nature Now march, we’re seeing a significant groundswell of – increasingly less – quiet public opinion behind more calls for action. 

Leaf shaped banner reading 'RESTORE NATURE NOW'

Restore Nature Now banner

New polling has found that the public think the main parties need to be doing more on nature and climate. Interestingly, the poll also found that four in 10 people are planning to vote based on environmental policies offered by candidates and most people (59%) consider environmental issues to be at least as important as other issues facing the country. 

Every day, we see a deep care and love for nature exemplified in our members, supporters and volunteers, all giving their time and countless hours to help protect the wildlife we love. Now we need our MPs, from all parties, to stand up and be counted. To champion the policy solutions we need to help save our natural world.  

What needs to change? 

Whoever wins, the next Government will have a significant impact on our local environment, with all the parties making big pledges on key issues from planning reform, development and farming to water pollution and regulation.  

As a Trust, we have outlined some of the key issues in our area and the positive solutions we need policy makers to champion. You can read more about them here.  

What can you do? 

At this election, we truly have the power to make a difference. By voting for candidates committed to nature recovery, we can ensure that our environment remains a priority.  

We know the solutions exist and won’t cost the earth. A healthy environment is essential for our economy, for our communities, for our past and future. And now, we need our local political leaders to stand up and make a difference.  

The next few years must truly be a time for action, not words.  

Together, we can advocate for a wilder, healthier, and more sustainable future. 

Let's make our voices heard for nature this election! 

Join our campaign | Read our Election Guide | Write to your candidates