Ventnor is a town teeming with people taking action for nature. Situated at the southern tip of the Isle of Wight, it is surrounded by stunning landscapes and an array of species rich downland which contributes to the Island’s status as a UNESCO biosphere reserve. But the wildlife doesn’t stop there. Secreted between the residential streets, passionate locals are planting wildflowers, increasing biodiversity and creating a network of wilder spaces for nature to thrive.
A couple weeks ago, I met up with some of the locals who took me on a tour of Ventnor’s urban delights. First up was the local allotment space used by both individuals and community groups. I spoke with Terri who was tending a patch for the anxiety café. “People come along just to be outside,” said Terri. And we all stopped to reflect - listening to birdsong amongst the trees that line the ever present, yet non-intrusive, main road behind the allotments.