Into the Wild Seas - Capturing island marine biodiversity on camera

Compass jellyfish © Theo Vickers

© Theo Vickers

Into the Wild Seas - Capturing island marine biodiversity on camera

Victoria Recreation Ground Pavilion, Newport PO30 5DS, Newport, Isle of Wight, PO30 5DS
Theo Vickers is an award winning underwater photographer and marine biologist based on the Isle of Wight. Theo works to raise awareness of marine natural history, and support the marine conservation community.

Event details


7:00pm - 8:30pm
Local group
A static map of Into the Wild Seas - Capturing island marine biodiversity on camera

About the event

Theo will be talking about the rationale behind his work, and will be giving a ‘behind the scenes’ glimpse of how he captures his remarkable images in the seas that surround the Island. He will talk about local marine ecology and conservation, and about the threats that our marine species currently face due to various factors, including climate change.


Suggested donation

We have introduced three ticket price options (£5, £7, £10) depending on how much you would like to donate to the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust. The number of each priced ticket is not limited within the capacity so you are free to choose which ticket price you would like to book before the total capacity of the event is reached.

Suitable for
