Flexford Nature Reserve

Flexford Nature Reserve Bridge Footpath

© Peter Emery

Flexford Nature Reserve

Flexford nature reserve is an urban oasis in the heart of Chandler’s Ford. Much loved by local people, it has an interesting mix of woodland and flower-rich wet meadows that support a variety of birds and plants.


Glendowan Road
Chandler's Ford
SO53 1SZ

OS Map Reference

SU 424 215
A static map of Flexford Nature Reserve

Know before you go

18 hectares

Entry fee

Donations welcome

Parking information

Roadside parking on North Millers Dale, off B3043

Grazing animals

Cattle between April and December

Walking trails

Unsurfaced paths can be wet and muddy. 

There is a gentle slope in the woods to/from the entrance on the corner of North Millers Dale/Baddesley Road.

You will find a flight of steps and steep unsurfaced slope to/from Baddesley Road bridge entrance. There are kissing gates at all entrances.


Unsuitable for wheelchairs due to terrain and kissing gates. Directions below.


Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Visit in spring to see ramsons (wild garlic), golden saxifrages, bluebells and orange-tip butterflies. In summer you’ll find a range of orchids and butterflies.

About the reserve

These flower-rich wet meadows are kept lush and green by the Monk’s Brook, which flows through the reserve.

Flexford is a small part of a former widespread habitat that was divided up by housing development. Safeguarded by Eastleigh Borough Council and the Trust to protect local wildlife, the reserve is divided into two parts by the railway line; Upper Flexford and Lower Flexford.

Come and see

In the summer, the meadows are ablaze with colour from ragged-robin, yellow loosestrife, yellow flag iris, sneezewort and common spotted orchid.

Visit in spring to see wild garlic  (ramsons), bluebell, golden-saxifrage  and orange-tip butterfly.

Listen for the great spotted woodpecker and watch tree creeper and nuthatch spiral up and down the trunks of trees.

In the winter see colourful siskin, goldfinch and redpoll feasting on the cones from the alder tree.


Contact us

Clare Bishop
Contact number: 02380 424206


From M3 junction 12, take Hocombe Road towards Ampfield. At crossroads turn left onto B3043. For Upper Flexford: take right hand turn into North Millers Dale. Upper Flexford reserve is on left. For Lower Flexford: follow directions above but at North Millers Dale junction keep going along B3043, after ¼ mile turn right onto Ramalley Lane.

Train station: Chandler’s Ford (1 mile). Turn left then right onto tarmac path then immediately right, follow path for 100m. Cross bridge then leave tarmac
route, follow path across grass until it rejoins tarmac. Continue for ¾ mile with Monks Brook on right. Entry into reserve is over bridge on right. 

Bus stop: North Millers Dale for Upper Flexford (Xelabus), Katrine Crescent  for Lower Flexford (1/4mile walk via Glendowan Rd) (Stagecoach).