©Mark Hamblin/2020VISION
Wick Hill Hanger
Beautiful semi-natural ancient woodland
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
Open all yearBest time to visit
Visit the reserve during spring and summer to see the 24 butterfly species, woodpeckers and reptiles.About the reserve
Wick Hill Hanger is a beautiful eight hectare semi-natural ancient woodland, dominated by ash, which forms part of a larger belt of woodland on the Greensand Hangers of East Hampshire.
Enjoy the variety of ground flora on display at this woodland site, with large numbers of bluebell, dog's mercury and pignut, as well as areas of wild garlic.
The reserve is rich in insect life, including moths and 24 butterfly species such as silver-washed fritillary, white admiral and brown hairstreak.
Special features:
- Home to a healthy population of birds, including all three woodpecker species, grasshopper warbler, blackcap and whitethroat.
- The woodland is home to many reptiles and amphibians such as grass snake, slow worm and toad.
Contact us
Fiona Haynes
Contact email: Fiona.Haynes@hiwwt.org.uk