Wilder Southampton picture trail: Neighbourhood Nature

Fox cubs © Luke Massey/2020VISION

Fox cubs © Luke Massey/2020VISION

Wilder Southampton

Neighbourhood Nature Trail

Southampton Neighbourhood Nature Trail

Welcome to the Neighbourhood Nature Trail, an initiative that celebrates the hidden wonders of nature right here in Southampton!

Our project aims to shine a spotlight on the beauty of nature that surrounds us. From the bustling streets to the quiet alleyways, nature thrives, and we want to showcase these hidden gems by encouraging local people to share photos and drawings of local wildlife.

This upcoming summer, we plan to display your artwork on local notice boards and buildings, with the aim to transform our city into an outdoor gallery celebrating the biodiversity that exists within our neighbourhoods. But to make this vision a reality, we need your help.

How to Get Involved:

Do you have a favourite flower or tree in your neighbourhood? Perhaps there's a bird or an insect that fills your heart with joy. Now's the time to give them the spotlight they deserve! We're inviting you to showcase your beloved local wildlife, shouting out about the ordinary nature that makes our city extraordinary.

How does it work? It's simple! Just snap a photo with your smartphone, or if you prefer, share a drawing with us. Tell us why your chosen subject is close to your heart, why it's important for our community, and how we can all pitch in to protect it.

Submit your entry

Please note that while not all entries will make it onto the final trail, we'll be sharing them on our website for everyone to enjoy. 





What if I don’t know the proper name of the wildlife?

No worries! You can leave that field blank or simply use the name you call it (e.g., pretty yellow flower, cute brown bird). We'll take care of adding the proper name for you.

Do I need a fancy camera?

Absolutely not! A smartphone camera is perfect for capturing your nature discoveries. We believe that everyone should have the chance to participate, regardless of the camera they use.

Do I need to go to a nature reserve or a park?

Not at all! Nature is all around us, even in the heart of the city. Take a stroll down your street or explore your local neighbourhood – you'll be amazed at what you discover.

Will my poster go up in my neighbourhood?

While we can't guarantee it, we'll do our best to showcase a diverse range of submissions across different areas. If we receive multiple submissions from the same neighbourhood, we'll feature some on our website for everyone to enjoy.

Will there be a map showing the locations?

Yes, we'll provide a map on our website to highlight the locations of featured submissions. This way, you can explore the Neighbourhood Nature Trail and discover the beauty of urban wildlife at your own pace.

How will I know if my picture is on the trail?

You will receive an email once the trail is complete and put up around the city.