Restore Nature Now creative workshop a huge success

Restore Nature Now creative workshop a huge success

Lilly making an animal mask for the Restore Nature Now march

This past weekend, the vibrant city of Southampton buzzed with creativity and community spirit as people of all ages gathered at the historic God's House Tower for the Get Rally Ready: Restore Nature Now workshop.

Hosted by the Trust, the workshop aimed to equip participants with the tools and inspiration needed to create nature-inspired banners and displays in preparation for the upcoming Restore Nature Now march. The event drew an impressive turnout, uniting people of all ages together for hands-on crafting sessions, resulting in a multitude of beautiful and poignant creations ready to be showcased at the march.  

The March, taking place this weekend June 22nd, is set to be the biggest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has ever seen. The legal, peaceful, inclusive, and family-friendly demonstration is both a celebration and a call for urgent political action on the nature and climate emergencies. 

You can sign up to be part of Restore Nature Now | Pledge to march on June 22 

Young girl in yellow top holing a cardboard bird in her left hand and a paper banner in her right. The sign reads: "Plant more trees and flowers"

Lily helps in her community garden and although she can’t attend the march, came along to the event to provide support and get involved.

The creative workshop not only prepared participants for the march but also fostered a sense of community and shared purpose. Even those unable to attend the march found value in the workshop, contributing to the cause and expressing their support through art. 

 Special guests Chris Packham and Megan McCubbin, the Vice President and President of the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, joined the workshop, adding an extra layer of excitement and inspiration. Chris also gave a rousing speech to participants. Both Chris and Megan are passionate leaders in the Restore Nature Now initiative, and their presence invigorated the attendees, highlighting the significance of the upcoming demonstration. 

The workshop brought together an array of talented local artists and companies who guided participants through various creative activities including mask making, willow leaf tissue banners, traditional placard making and seed planting. We also created one big banner with everyone collectively adding to it, to show why we need a wilder future. Among the artists were: Splodge Designs, New Carnival, Alex Sutherland and James Hewins from Zest Arts Collective.  

The Trust would like to thank God's House Tower and all the artists for their support throughout the day. And a big thank you to all the participants who made the event a triumph. The day underscored the power of community and creativity in driving environmental action. 

Four people stood under old walled arch holding banners and masks

Debbie Tann MBE, Chief Executive; Megan McCubbin, Trust President; Hannah Terrey, Director of Advocacy and Engagement and Chris Packham, Trust Vice President stood outside Gods House Tower with a collection of banners and masks ready for Saturday