North Warnborough Greens Nature Reserve

Early purple orchids and cowslips

© Mark Heighes

North Warnborough Greens Nature Reserve

Two flower rich meadows


Mill Ln, North Warnborough
RG29 1ET

OS Map Reference

A static map of North Warnborough Greens Nature Reserve

Know before you go

11 hectares

Entry fee

Donations welcome

Grazing animals

Our sites are grazed all year by livestock. Please follow the signage on site.

Walking trails

 Public footpaths and informal paths are often wet and muddy.


Contact the Trust for disabled access information


Dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Visit in spring to see a beautiful display of wildflowers

About the reserve

North Warnborough Greens is a picturesque wetland adjacent to the River Whitewater. Its two flower-rich wet meadows host a variety of flora, particularly orchids. At the northern end of the reserve is wood pasture and oak woodland.

Highland cattle and, occasionally, New Forest ponies, roam the meadows creating ideal conditions for wildflowers.

Visit in the spring to see a vibrant display of wildflowers.

In the summer, enjoy the southern and early marsh orchid that flower in abundance on the greens.

Walk by the water’s edge and keep a watchful eye out for kingfisher: they often hunt from perches above the  ford on the river. 

Special Features:

  • Grazing animals carry out the essential task of keeping the habitat open and in the right condition for wildflowers.
  • The botanical diversity on this nature reserve is so rich that it has been designated as a site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).


Contact us

Tom Hilder
Contact number: 01256 381190