Please note that the boardwalk across Lower Test, part of the Test Way and connecting Nursling and Totton, is currently closed. The old structure is being replaced with a brand-new boardwalk to ensure improved safety and functionality. Unfortunately, the closure has been significantly prolonged due to delays caused by Hampshire County Council. For more information or to address concerns, please contact Hampshire County Council directly.
© Mark Heighes
Lower Test Nature Reserve
Know before you go
When to visit
Opening times
The nature reserve is open at all times.Best time to visit
Visit in spring to see green-winged orchids and water avens, as well as reed, sedge and Cetti’s warblers. During the winter wigeon, teal and snipe are abundant, while autumn brings sand martins, swallows and ospreys.About the reserve
This is a particularly important refuge for wildfowl as the regular saltwater flooding protects the grassland from freezing in cold winters.
With saltwater and freshwater and the natural progression from land to sea, all manner of birds and flowers thrive in this watery haven.
Lower Test is rich in wildflowers with over 450 species recorded, including green-winged orchid, water avens, meadowsweet and adder’s-tongue fern.
Autumn brings flocks of sand martin and swallow that gather over the reedbeds before their long flight back to Africa. Rare birds such as osprey and marsh harrier also stop by to visit this wetland.
During the winter months the boardwalk across the reserve provides great viewing points from which to see great flocks of wigeon, teal and mallard. You may also see wading snipe and green sandpiper.
During the spring and summer, Lower Test is alive with birdsong and an excellent place to see kingfisher. Hear the territorial songs to reed, sedge and Cetti’s warblers in the reedbeds.
Explore our nature reserves in the Lower Test Valley with our 5 mile self-guided trail:
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