Open Chalk Streams

River Itchen in the early morning © Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

River Itchen in the early morning © Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Open Chalk Streams

Throughout their long history, our chalk streams have attracted people with their beauty and bounty. As settlements sprang up along their banks, many parts came into the care of private owners. Today, these winding waters connect thousands of gardens, estates, farms, and businesses.

As a result of this, some stretches of stream are closed to the public for safety or privacy reasons. Others are hidden in a different way: accessible, but not widely appreciated or understood. The Open Chalk Streams project aims to change that, by creating new ways to experience these places.

On special days each year, you can visit spaces that are normally off-limits and see familiar spots in a whole new light. You might get tips from a keen gardener, see restoration efforts, or simply wander in search of wildlife - all as part of the Watercress and Winterbournes Landscape Partnership Scheme.

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Upcoming events

Our hosts

This project is made possible by the generosity of local people. By opening their land to visitors - and sharing their knowledge or experiences - they enable us to better understand our chalk streams. If you attend one of our events, please join us in thanking the host for taking part.

Your safety

We take great care about your safety on our Open Chalk Streams events. All our locations have been carefully assessed, and details on things like accessibility can be found in each event listing. Most have small group sizes so we can ensure everyone is looked after.