Hello there. My name is Emma and I live on the Isle of Wight. A couple months ago, I came across the Trust’s Wilder strategy and immediately wanted to get involved. Over the years, I’ve participated in several fundraisers and have taken a keen interest in community projects on the island, so naturally I latched on to the idea of making our island Wilder. As you’ll read in this blog, I love a good challenge, so consider this challenge, accepted!
During the pandemic, I struggled with severe depression and isolation after losing two loved ones. I felt lost and needed something positive to focus on and the fitness challenges seemed like the perfect answer. In March, I walked 310,000 steps to raise money for the Samaritans and engaged my peers with mental health issues. I also supported others on a mental health and grief forum so that other people could get through their days. The next month I walked for Dementia UK with my pug, Doug, and my 4-year-old son. I walked even further for Prostate and Pancreatic Cancer. In August, I walked 10k for MacMillan Cancer Support.