The Litter Partnership in Winchester
The Litter Partnership in Winchester
Location: Deacon Hill Nature Reserve, Deacon Hill, Winchester, Hampshire SO21 1HR
Location: St Catherine’s Hill Nature Reserve, Garnier Road, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 9PA
The Litter Partnership in Winchester brings together local people, councils, schools, businesses and military personnel to tackle the scourge of litter. Founded by Tom Bristowe, a LitterHero Ambassador of Keep Britain Tidy, the Litter Partnership is supported by Winchester City Council and CPRE – the countryside charity; and works closely with idverde, Winchester’s street scene contractor.
The Litter Partnership is currently looking for volunteers across Winchester, with a particular interest in finding people to help tidy St Catherine’s Hill and on the stretch of Morestead Road to the top of Deacon Hill.
If you would like to get involved, please contact the Litter Partnership via its website below: