Tales from the Riverbank Poetry Competition

Woman writing in nature © Matthew Roberts

Woman writing in nature © Matthew Roberts

Tales from the Riverbank Poetry Competition

Are you aged 7-18? Do you enjoy creative writing? Then it's time to get inspired by the wonderful world of chalk streams! Enter your poem, and you could be a winner in the Tales from the Riverbank Poetry Competition - a collaboration between the Watercress and Winterbournes scheme and Hampshire Library Service

The competition has four categories:

  • 7-9 years
  • 10-12 years
  • 13-15 years
  • 16-18 years

There is a first, second, and third place prize for each of these categories:

  • First Place wins a £75 National Book Token.
  • Second Place wins a £50 National Book Token.
  • Third Place wins a £25 National Book Token.


Competition rules

To enter the competition, you must:

  • Live within the Watercress and Winterbournes scheme area (see map below).
  • Be aged 7-18 on the date the competition closes (31st July 2024).
  • Have permission from your parent or guardian to participate.

To be eligible for this competition, your poem must:

  • Have chalk streams as its theme.
  • Be written in English.
  • Be no more than 14 lines long.
  • Be an original work of your own creation.
  • Not have been published anywhere (including online).
  • Not have previously won any other competitions.

Entry and judging process:

  • The competition is free to enter.
  • The competition closes at midnight on Wednesday 31st July 2024.
  • You cannot change your poem once it has been entered.
  • Your poem will not be returned to you, so please keep your own copy.
  • The poems will be judged by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust, and Hampshire Library Service.
  • Unfortunately we can’t provide feedback, so you will only hear from us if you have been chosen as a winner.
  • If you are chosen as a winner, but cannot be contacted, then the prize will be awarded to another entrant.
  • Our decision on all matters relating to the competition is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

Use of your poem:

  • The winning poems will be made into a booklet, copies of which will be provided to the winners and to local libraries. By entering a poem into this competition, you agree to its inclusion in this booklet. You retain ownership and will be credited as the author.
  • Entering your poem also gives the Watercress and Winterbournes partners permission to use it to document and promote the activities of the scheme. This may involve sharing it with the National Lottery Heritage Fund. You retain ownership and will be credited as the author.


How to enter

There are three ways to enter the competition:

Online entry form

Preferred form of contact:
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, odf, pdf, doc, docx.


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Poetry activity guide

Need some help getting started with your poem? Download our free poetry activity guide! Print it at home, and use it to spark inspiration - it's perfect for families, schools, and youth groups.

A4 guide (print 1- or 2-sided)

A5 guide (print 2-sided and fold)

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