Wilder Nunwell

Green and yellow fields, big green trees and blue sky

A former arable field at Wilder Nunwell, slowly transforming into a mosaic of habitats  © Agatha Thompson

Rewilding site

Wilder Nunwell

Wilder Nunwell

Wilder Nunwell is our second rewilding project where we will be restoring this previously intensively managed farmland back to its natural landscape by embracing wilder processes and mimicking natural systems. Wilder Nunwell is at the start of its restoration journey but over time we hope to re-establish chalk downland, wildflower meadows and create wood pasture to improve the habitat for a wide range of species. We are looking to introduce native rare breed cows, Exmoor ponies, and pigs across the reserve to help us achieve our goals mirroring natural grazing systems. Nunwell has always been a managed landscape and has a rich Island heritage as well as lots of archaeological interest. We are working closely alongside the Oglander family and Nunwell Home Farm to help create a Wilder Nunwell.

Special wildlife: By summer Wilder Nunwell is alive with a huge variety of arable birds including Skylarks, Linnets, Yellowhammers and finches. Skylarks can be heard singing and soaring in their characteristic way.

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