Smooth snake © John Poland
Submit species records
We Need Your Records!
Help us to build a complete and current picture of species distribution across Hampshire by sending in a record every time you see an amphibian, reptile, mammal or plant.
Please submit all records online using iRecord
iRecord is an online recording platform for both casual and bulk submission of records, which is accessible on both desktop and as a mobile app. Records submitted via iRecord will be verified by the county recorder before submission to Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre.
Submitting a Record
When you send in a record please include the following information:
Your name.
The date of your observation.
Please provide the exact location, what3words, if possible, a grid reference (e.g., SU123456). Note: To protect privacy, please avoid including private addresses.
If you include a site name, please use a house name, location and not ‘my….’.
The species seen (use the scientific name if known).
Additional details such as quantity, alive/dead, adult/juvenile, will also be useful
Amphibian and reptile records
Hampshire Amphibian and Reptile Recording Network.
The county recorder for amphibian and reptile records can be contacted on HARRN.Recorder@hiwwt.org.uk
Plant records
Hampshire Flora Group
To submit vascular plant records to Hampshire Flora Group, please contact the Vice County Recorders, details can be found on Hants Plants.
Marine mammal records
Please complete the online form
Mammal records
Hampshire Mammal Group
The county recorder for mammals can be contacted on HMGRecorder@hiwwt.org.uk
All other records
Other species groups
For all other records please see the county recorder list on the HBIC pages.