St Clair's Meadow Nature Reserve

St Clair's Meadow

St Clair's Meadow 

St Clair's Meadow Nature Reserve

A wildlife rich meadow in the heart of the Meon Valley


Meon Valley
SO32 3PN

OS Map Reference

A static map of St Clair's Meadow Nature Reserve

Know before you go

16 hectares

Entry fee

Donations welcome

Parking information

No parking is available in west street, please park sensibly within the village.

Grazing animals

Our sites are grazed all year by livestock. Please follow the signage on site.


There is no disabled access to this nature reserve and no access from High Street. Access is only allowed in the northern half of the reserve. Please follow signage.



Under effective control

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

Visit in spring to see a beautiful display of wildflowers

About the reserve

St Clair’s Meadow nature reserve is home to a rich variety of wildlife. During the summer kingfishers may be seen flying overhead, and if you look carefully you may see signs of the resident water voles. Beautiful clouds of demoiselles, golden ring dragonflies and a myriad of butterflies adorn the skies, making St Clair’s a wonderful location for the amateur entomologist. It also attracts migratory swifts and swallows, which sweep through the air, feeding on the rich insect life the meadow supports.

During the cold months of winter, migratory birds such as snipes can be seen around the River Meon, which winds gracefully through the meadow.

Perfect for frosty winter walks and spring strolls, this nature reserve is a place of stunning natural beauty all year round.

Keep an eye on our Solent Reserves blog page for updates on this nature reserve.


Special Features: 

  • Water vole are one of Britain’s fastest declining mammals due to habitat loss, fragmentation and predation by American mink. In a partnership project with the South Downs National Park Authority, St Clair’s Meadow was one of the release sites for a water vole reintroduction.

Contact us

Bea Walecki
Contact number: 07825213412

Location map

Support us

If you would like to support the wildlife at St Clair's Meadow nature reserve, donate or join us today. 

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