New vision for beavers in England and Wales
The Wildlife Trusts say: end enclosures and take action for beavers to be wild
Today, The Wildlife Trusts publish A vision for the return of beavers to England and Wales making the case…
Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust is incredibly disappointed by the government’s announcement that reintroducing wildlife species is “not a priority”.
Beavers granted legal protection in England as new legislation comes into effect that recognises the mammal as a native protected species
The Wildlife Trusts welcome new legislation and call for sensible beaver management guidance.
The Wildlife Trusts call for an explanation as promised protections for beavers are put on hold.
New beaver consultation could herald better wetlands for wildlife and climate
A response to an article in the Times which tries to dredge up old stereotypes, pitting anglers against conservationists. We discuss the reality of the relationships shared in most catchments…