Help protect ground nesting birds
Between March and July many birds will be using the Trust’s nature reserves to breed. For some species, breeding season means navigating the hazards of nesting on the ground.
Between March and July many birds will be using the Trust’s nature reserves to breed. For some species, breeding season means navigating the hazards of nesting on the ground.
Bird Aware Solent, an organisation in which the Wildlife Trust is a partner, has won an award for its work in protecting coastal birds.
Spring is a time of change, and for our feathered friends thoughts turn from survival to more amorous pursuits. As birds across the UK search for a mate, the landscape fills with song, the chorus…
The UK’s wildlife continues to decline according to the State of Nature 2019 report. The latest findings show that since rigorous scientific monitoring began in the 1970s there has been a 13%…
As the woodlark, nightjar, and Dartford warbler enter their breeding season, follow our easy tips to help protect these vulnerable birds during visits to Wealden Heaths.
A spectacular osprey has been spotted at Fishlake Meadows nature reserve near Romsey
Catch the dawn chorus and delight in nature's symphony
Southern Water has joined the battle to boost tern numbers in the Solent, by hosting a new raft on which they can nest near Havant
We've condemned the destruction of nightingale habitat at Casbrook Common, near Romsey - the second most important site for the endangered bird in Hampshire
Dummy bird models are among the new techniques being used by the Wildlife Trust to boost local tern populations in the Solent