Blog: Wildlife and conservation


Common Frog poking its head around an orange leaf on the ground

Frogspawn frenzy - pond life awakens

As winter recedes and temperatures begin to rise, ponds and wetlands come alive with one of nature's most enchanting spectacles: the appearance of frogspawn. This annual event not only…

Goldcrest on dry hog fennel head at Anton Lakes © Thomas Eastwood

Incredible Umbellifers

With colder weather revealing the distinctive stems of the umbellifers, we take a look at this fascinating plant family.

Water rail © Joshua Copping

The Rail's Tale

The squealing call of the water rail is often the only sign of its presence. We explore how this elusive bird is perfectly adapted to a secretive life along our chalk streams.

Kingfisher by Garry Prescott

King of the River

The iconic kingfisher brings a flash of striking colour to our chalk streams. Join us as we take a dive into the life of this beautiful bird.

Banded Demoiselle

Dancing Demoiselles

On sunny days, the glint of a banded or beautiful demoiselle is quite a sight to behold. But how can you tell the difference between the two species?

Water mint © Conall McCaughey

A Hint of Mint

Before autumn arrives, visit our chalk streams to catch the fresh scent and delicate flowers of the beautiful water mint plant.

Lesser water boatman © Paul Colley

The Boatman's Bubble

As the lesser water boatman prepares to dive, it has an ingenious method for prolonging its journey. Let's take a look at the unique features of this aquatic insect.

Adult moorhen © Guy Edwardes/2020VISION

Spot the Difference: Coot and Moorhen

Coots and moorhens are often seen on our chalk streams, but it can be tricky to tell them apart. Here are some tips for identifying these black water birds.
