Blog: David Rumble

Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION


Dead bee

Insect Apocalypse: Industrial Entomocide

Humans have become very effective at killing pests. But we are also, unwittingly perhaps, paying a huge and growing price for the unintended consequences of this technology.

What have insects - yellow dung fly (Vaughn Matthews)

Insect Apocalypse: it’s all connected

Rather like the layers and linkages in human society and economy, insects do different jobs in the ecosystem. This is an area of study in its own right, but it is also important to us because…


The Insect/Human Apocalypse

There is a lot of talk about the ‘insect apocalypse’ – in other words the rapid collapse in numbers and species of insect living in our world, driven by humans.

Corn Bunting (Miliaria calandra) perched on dry stems singing

A local view on the latest wild bird data

The UK Bird Indicators report published this week explores the dramatic change in bird populations since 1970, but what do these findings mean for us locally?

Bank vole on berries

Can we have the Bill please?

The Wildlife Trusts have been calling for an Environment Act for a long time and, with Brexit coming, we especially welcome today’s draft Bill. But what's in it, is it good and what would it…
