Blog: Wildlife


top down view of a 7-Spot ladybird on a red leaf.

Lovely Ladybirds

There are around 4,000 different species of beetles in the UK, all with important roles to play in our ecosystem.

Tawny mining bee in flight

Solitary Spring Bees

When thinking of bees, naturally you would think they all live in large colonies, with hives humming from the sound of thousands of bees busy at work. However, this is not the case as some bees…

Thousands of starlings forming a murmuration in a sunset sky.

Staggering Starlings

Winter heralds the arrival of large numbers of birds to our shores, all arriving from cooler climates, among them, starlings, one of our most familiar garden birds.

Robin in winter tree © Mark Hamblin

Looking after our winter wildlife

Winter can be a tough time for wildlife, food is scarce and hibernators are looking for shelter. That's why we have put together some top tips for maintaining your garden for wildlife in the…

Garden bumblebee

Grow in harmony with nature

In the UK there are an estimated 15 million gardens, at a combined size of around 270,000ha! Our gardens are a vital and significant habitat for wildlife, providing food and water, shelter,…


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