Blog: Rivers and streams


Goldcrest on dry hog fennel head at Anton Lakes © Thomas Eastwood

Incredible Umbellifers

With colder weather revealing the distinctive stems of the umbellifers, we take a look at this fascinating plant family.

Water rail © Joshua Copping

The Rail's Tale

The squealing call of the water rail is often the only sign of its presence. We explore how this elusive bird is perfectly adapted to a secretive life along our chalk streams.

Kingfisher by Garry Prescott

King of the River

The iconic kingfisher brings a flash of striking colour to our chalk streams. Join us as we take a dive into the life of this beautiful bird.

Banded Demoiselle

Dancing Demoiselles

On sunny days, the glint of a banded or beautiful demoiselle is quite a sight to behold. But how can you tell the difference between the two species?

Water mint © Conall McCaughey

A Hint of Mint

Before autumn arrives, visit our chalk streams to catch the fresh scent and delicate flowers of the beautiful water mint plant.

Lesser water boatman © Paul Colley

The Boatman's Bubble

As the lesser water boatman prepares to dive, it has an ingenious method for prolonging its journey. Let's take a look at the unique features of this aquatic insect.


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