Blog: Susan Simmonds

Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION


Toad © Darin Smith

Pond life successions

Like a forest has successional stages, so does a pond. As a pond matures, it becomes attractive to different species. And like you manage a forest, you can also manage a pond's succession.…

Elephant Hawk Moth caterpillar

Attracted to the light

Moths are fascinating creatures. We mostly think of them as the butterflies of the night, and therefore overlook them, but some species can be seen during the daytime, too. They play a vital role…

Wildflowers Swanwick Lakes

How wild are we? Plotting our wildflower plants

Inspired by our citizen science project, I had a wander around my garden yesterday and made a note of these 12 wildflowers that are currently flowering that you might take note of in your surveys…

Insect home © David Kilbey

Creating space for insects

Insects have declined by 50% since 1970. Insects play a crucial role in our lives and in wildlife in so many ways that if they were to disappear, life as we know it wouldn't be the same. No…

Long tailed tits at bird feeder

The Dawn Chorus

Almost as soon as the clocks jumped forward, it seemed as if the dawn chorus leapt up a notch. From nuthatches to jays, birds all over the UK are joining the chorus to defend territory, attract…

Red tailed bumblebee © Jon Hawkins SurreyHillsPhotography

Social Butterflies and Solitary Bees

We may be feeling we have metamorphosed from social butterflies into solitary bees in the past few weeks, but out there, there are plenty of both butterflies and bees working hard to ensure we can…

Daffodils in Sun, © Graham Dennis

Oil Beetles and Yellow Flowers

Education Officer, Susan Simmonds, takes some peaceful moments away from the chaos of life to notice the signs of Spring in her garden.
