Blog: policy


six people posing for a photo with banners relating to the March for clean water protest

Marching for clean water

On Sunday, our staff, campaign leaders and supporters marched through London, alongside thousands of protesters to urge the Government to end the poisoning of Britain’s waterways.

Grayling in chalk stream © Paul Colley

Save our chalk streams!

With less than a fifth of England’s rivers in good ecological health, we need the Government to deliver comprehensive protections for our unique chalk streams and this begins through changes to…

Nightingale singing

State of Nature 2023: a canary in the coal mine

In 2019 1 in 7 species were threatened with extinction, now it’s 1 in 6, according to the State of Nature 2023 report launched today. When the last State of Nature report was released in 2019, it…


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