Blog: action for insects


Ladybird © Deryn Hawkins


There are lots of insects we might associate with autumn rolling in – spiders, crane flies, wasps – but what about ladybirds?

Elephant hawkmoth

Survival strategies

Discover the different ways that moths and butterflies spend the winter

glow worm

Searching for glow worms

In early July I was invited by Stephen of Sustainable Silchester to come on a glow-worm walk on Silchester Common.

Banded demoiselle © Chris Button

Garden dragons

If you have a wildlife pond you may well have dragons visiting your garden! These beautiful insects are awesome fliers and fearsome predators, and they are a real joy to watch. This week, we take…

Cinnabar moth caterpillar

A 30 Days Wild minibeast hunt

One of the most exciting things about 30 Days Wild is that it challenges you to look for nature everywhere. By looking more closely at the wild places around you, even if it’s just a little patch…

Oil beetle

The brilliance of beetles

Steve Garland, chair of Lancashire Wildlife Trust and beetle expert, explores the world of these incredible, armoured insects.

Common pipistrelle bat © Tom Marshall

The amazing unlovables

Our wildlife comes in all shapes and sizes, and all our species have a part to play in our local ecosystems, even though some aren’t winning any popularity contests. So why not take a second look…


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