Blog: Wilder Portsmouth


 display garden with examples of wildlife friendly planting, wildlife boxes and links to many more ideas for your garden.

Make room for wildlife in your garden

Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trusts Wilder Portsmouth project has teamed up with Waterfront Garden Centre to create a wildlife display garden

barn owl sat on a fence post

Climate Change, Charles Dickens, and Community Action

Since 2016, a silent revolution has been spreading through the streets of Portsmouth. Thanks to the work of Charles Dickens Community Orchard, fruiting trees are popping up on the roadsides and in…

View of raised bed with plants. In the back there's a brick wall with a mural of birds, painted by FARK

Waste of Space case study: Derby Road

On Derby Road in North End, Portsmouth, local residents identified empty planters, that were once presumably filled with plants, but had been left abandoned for many years. When we, PFoE,…

Three tiered water fountain now disused, is covered in plants

Waste of Space case study: Community Garden Fountain

The fountain at Hilsea Lido was once a beautiful structure splashing water around the many swimmers who visited. Up until a few months ago, the fountain was not the thing of beauty it once was –…


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