Blog: spring


Sedge Warbler © David Kilbey

Winnall Moors in April

Tom, one of the wardens for Winnall Moors does his rounds on a Friday morning. He shares his experiences with us here.

Cuckoo in flight (c) Jon Hawkins Surrey Hills Photography

Curious cuckoos

One of the most iconic sounds of spring is the call of the male cuckoo, the two notes heralding the changing seasons.


Colourful cowslips

What colour comes to mind when you think of spring? Maybe it’s the fresh green of new leaves budding from trees and shoots pushing up from the ground, or the fizz of white spring blossom in…

Frog swimming surrounded by frogspawn

Winnall Moors in March

Tom, one of the wardens for Winnall Moors does his rounds on a Friday morning. He shares his experiences with us here.

apple and gorse in flower on a heath

Heathland in spring

Clive Chatters, the author of a new book on Britain’s heaths, explains what to look out for, now spring has sprung on our heaths.

Common dog violet at Blashford Lakes nature reserve

Spring has sprung

Have you felt the change in the air in the past week? As the temperatures rise nature is awakening from its winter slumber and new life is appearing in every hidden corner.

Long tailed tits at bird feeder

The Dawn Chorus

Almost as soon as the clocks jumped forward, it seemed as if the dawn chorus leapt up a notch. From nuthatches to jays, birds all over the UK are joining the chorus to defend territory, attract…

plants growing

How to work from home- and stay connected to nature

When working from home, it can be really easy to stay in front of a screen all day and never venture outdoors. We’ve got some easy ways to help you to connect with nature, even in the middle of a…

Red tailed bumblebee © Jon Hawkins SurreyHillsPhotography

Social Butterflies and Solitary Bees

We may be feeling we have metamorphosed from social butterflies into solitary bees in the past few weeks, but out there, there are plenty of both butterflies and bees working hard to ensure we can…


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