How are the climate and nature emergencies linked?
As the world’s governments prepare to head to Glasgow for COP26, the global climate summit, to discuss global action to tackle the crises, we hope to look closer to home and highlight the links…
Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION
As the world’s governments prepare to head to Glasgow for COP26, the global climate summit, to discuss global action to tackle the crises, we hope to look closer to home and highlight the links…
The electric flash of blue as a kingfisher whizzes past can cause a stir at any time of year but, as the colours fade in autumn, these birds become even more visible. Look out for them watching…
There are lots of insects we might associate with autumn rolling in – spiders, crane flies, wasps – but what about ladybirds?
When you head out on a walk or even into the garden, how often do you see some type of wildlife? Almost every time is the likely answer! Did you know that you could be sitting on a gold mine of…
As autumn approaches, we are beginning to see different species out and about. As some species head south, others are beginning their annual cycle. This week we talk about some of the wildlife to…
As the days get shorter and colder, you might notice the birdlife in our local habitats is changing. Many species are heading south now their breeding season has finished. For some, this might…
Rodents are a key component of many healthy ecosystems, such as grasslands and woodlands. They provide food for lots of species from birds of prey to larger mammals. Rodents often produce lots of…
In early July I was invited by Stephen of Sustainable Silchester to come on a glow-worm walk on Silchester Common.
Arcadian Ecology, the Trust’s ecological consultancy, are carrying out surveys on Vitacress farms this summer, looking to understand how wildlife is using their sites at present, and how they…
This week is National Heath Week, celebrating this fascinating habitat and the wildlife that calls them home. In summer there are so many of wildlife delights to look and listen for, we cover a…