Blog: David Allwright

Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION


Two Dark-bellied Brent geese captured mid-flight

Tipner West – Don't Cross The Line

As Portsmouth Councillors are considering new plans to cross red lines by destroying legally protected nature spaces, the Trust’s Policy Officer David says we must challenge them to do better for…

Let nature help report

Was COP26 a cop out?

Despite the obvious shortcomings there are three big reasons why COP26 still gave us hope...


Councils can deal with the nature emergency

COP 26 isn't all about nations and world leaders. Your local council has enormous power to ignore or choose to deal with the climate and nature emergencies! Find out why councils are so…

Stop Sign with green landscapes

What even is an Ecological Emergency?

In a world full of emergencies, do we have the energy for yet another one? Is it any different to the climate emergency and why should we care?

walk in the rain

Cloudy with a chance of change

Are the local elections important? Policy & Public Affairs Officer David Allwright tells us why he thinks we should put on our wellies to vote for nature.
