Blog: Guest blogger

Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION


Common pipistrelle found during bat box survey in Hampshire

Going Batty

Trainee Ecologist Sofie Borek, invites us to explore the secret world of bats. She explains how she learnt to love these winged mammals and why you should too!


Lending Invertebrates a Hand

In today's blog, Trainee Ecologist Sofie Borek talks about the importance of wild patches and how easy it is to help our insects.

Fleecey jumping spider (Pseudophrys lanigera)

Web of Lies: The Biggest Myths about Spiders

Some of the most fascinating species are often greatly overlooked and are rather unpopular. In today's blog Trainee Ecologist, Josh Phangurha, talks about some of the reasons why our eight…
