Reading Rivers: Ten Books for Children
This month, we're recommending ten brilliant children's books about rivers - perfect for keen young readers!
Damselfly © Ben Hall/2020VISION
This month, we're recommending ten brilliant children's books about rivers - perfect for keen young readers!
As our volunteers continue to monitor the Test and Itchen headwaters, the latest SmartRivers results reveal water quality concerns.
This month, we've been reading 'River Folk Tales of Britain and Ireland' by Lisa Schneidau - an absorbing dive into our relationship with rivers.
This month, we've been reading 'Elegy for a River' by Tom Moorhouse - a heartfelt book about the joys and challenges of conservation fieldwork.
In Alresford, the civic society is helping visitors to understand the history and ecology of the River Arle.
This month, we've been reading 'The Pull of the River' by Matt Gaw - an earnest book about the joy of discovering nature through adventure.
This month, we've been reading 'Waterlog' by Roger Deakin - a surprisingly philosophical book about wild swimming, connection, and transformation.
As their leaves fall away, identifying trees becomes a fascinating challenge. Talk a walk along a chalk stream, and see which species are hiding in plain sight!
Sweep away the cobwebs with a wintery walk along a local chalk stream. Experience the magic of these habitats in the cooler months of the year!
In Whitchurch, a conservation group has delved deep to better protect the Upper Test from pollution.