My Wild Life: Sheila Fallone
Isle of Wight resident Sheila reflects on taking primary school learning outdoors with our Wildbeach project.
Updates from our marine team about issues affecting wildlife in the Solent and beyond
Isle of Wight resident Sheila reflects on taking primary school learning outdoors with our Wildbeach project.
Erica, one of our Marine Champions, shares how she brought her passion for nature and volunteering into her work life.
For most of us, an architectural achievement means assembling a bookcase from IKEA. But some marine species build structures that support entire ecosystems!
Feeling hungry? These marine species may sound delicious, but trust us when we say you wouldn't want them on your plate!
Our shorelines are known for being busy and beautiful, but hiding in plain sight are clues to how wildlife copes with these challenging environments.
Environmental artist Trudi Lloyd Williams tries her hand at rope making and considers the changing impact of this material on our marine life.
Pete, one of our Marine Champions, shares how his personal Solent adventure has brought him closer to our seas.
Environmental artist Trudi Lloyd Williams reflects on her work with rivers and the implications of how we manage our watercourses.
As February is the month of romance, we're turning our attention to some amorous activities under the waves. As it turns out, sometimes three's company...
Environmental artist Trudi Lloyd Williams looks back on how the Solent was formed and explores how people have responded to climate issues through art and architecture.