Blog: Rivers and streams


Robin in winter tree © Mark Hamblin

Chalk Stream Trees in Winter

As their leaves fall away, identifying trees becomes a fascinating challenge. Talk a walk along a chalk stream, and see which species are hiding in plain sight!

frost flower

A Wintery Chalk Stream Walk

Sweep away the cobwebs with a wintery walk along a local chalk stream. Experience the magic of these habitats in the cooler months of the year!

Moragh Stirling (Wessex Rivers Trust) and Timi Van Houten (Chalk Stream Champion) restore the surface of Flashetts footpath, Overton © Wessex Rivers Trust

Restoring Chalk Stream Habitat in Overton

With a popular footpath and its neighbouring chalk stream in peril, the Watercress and Winterbournes partners have been tackling bank erosion on the Upper Test in Overton.


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