Lions of the lawn
Every habitat has its predators and their prey, including our garden lawns – especially when we let them grow a little wilder. The scale may be smaller, but the stakes are just as high!
Every habitat has its predators and their prey, including our garden lawns – especially when we let them grow a little wilder. The scale may be smaller, but the stakes are just as high!
For a bird that prefers to remain elusive to the eye, ensconced among the dense cover of reedbeds, the bittern is far less inconspicuous to the ear.
Spring brings longer days and warmer weather, and with it, a burst of flora. Woodland wonders like celandines, primroses, and bluebells are among the first to bloom. You may also spot rarer plants…
Spring is an ideal time to encounter great crested newts as they migrate to their breeding ponds.
As mists rise from the water’s surface on early spring mornings, love is in the air as great crested grebe pairs join together to dance.
As the frosty veneer of winter melts away and the earth mellows for spring, you may notice little flurries of activity around your garden. Perhaps a robin is collecting leaves, or a song thrush is…
This World Wetlands Day on February 2, Izzie Tween – beaver recovery officer at Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust – celebrates the role beavers can play in reducing flood risk, boosting…
Meet the dawn chorus’s percussion section…
Is it a rook? Is it a raven? Or is it a crow? The three all-black birds from the corvid family often cause an ID challenge. But they and their cousins can be identified by their size, shape and…
Ecologist Lewis Hooper shares why we should be on the lookout for the mesmerising Bohemian waxwing and why they migrate to the UK.