Blog: wilder wight


View of Carisbrooke town, Isle of Wight, from Carisbrooke Castle

A wildlife oasis on Carisbrooke's high street

Just metres away from Carisbrooke’s busy high street, there is a quiet haven, where bats rest on their long journey, and ducks paddle happily in the stream. This wildlife haven belongs to St…

Alverstone Mead Nature Reserve

Learning to step back from nature and let it be wild

Alverstone Mead is a place well known for its wildlife, most notably for its red squirrels. Walking through the reserve, I was simultaneously overcome with joy to see so much wildlife and…

Woman knelt down tending to plants on a road verge.

Ventnor's Flower Fairy

Wildflowers seem to be finding a home in Ventnor - they're blooming in all sorts of nooks and crannies around the seaside town. This is down to the magical work of Ventnor's very own…

Woodland flowers

Take a wild walk through Ventnor with me

Ventnor is a town teeming with people taking action for nature. Secreted between the residential streets, passionate locals are planting wildflowers, increasing biodiversity and creating a network…

Bird feeder - Ben Hall/2020VISION

What a difference a simple birdfeeder can make!

Putting up a bird feeder is a sure-fire way to attract wildlife (mainly birds) into your garden. Once you have fallen in love with the charismatic chirpers, there's no going back. You're…


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